The purpose of the Pastoral Care ministry is to accompany parishioners during times of loss and transition. Through visits, conversations and correspondence, they are the face and hands of Christ`s healing compassion who listen without giving advice and who maintain confidentiality.
Jenny Greene is the Director of Pastoral Care. Members of the Pastoral Care Ministry Team are: Mary Ann Heckman-Crowe, Susan Miller, Julie O`Neill, Mary Ann Oswald & Kitty Steed. Their generosity and faithfulness mirror the existent compassion of this entire parish community.
If you would like a member of the Pastoral Care team to visit you, please contact Jenny Greene at 753-5155 x1309.
In addition to visits by Pastoral Care ministers, the following ministries are available to parishioners in times of need:
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to the Homebound will bring the Eucharist to parishioner homes.
The Sacrament of Healing and Anointing is celebrated for parishioners who experience serious illness or who are scheduled for surgery.
The names of parishioners and their loved ones who are in need can be placed on our bulletin prayer list.
The Helping Hands ministry provides meals to parishioners in need.